I help leaders expand their influence and protect their brands in our culturally complex world.

Getting culture and cultural relationships right in today’s world is absolutely mission critical!

Deep and accurate insight that leads to intelligent implementation can transform an organization! I work with the following approaches; Cultural Health and Skill Assessment and Report • Organizational and Community Cultural Transformation Planning • Cultural Crisis Management • CulturalMastery™ Training and Certification • LíderesExitosos™ Training and Certification for Latino leaders.
A great speech can start a movement! Here are some of my speeches that can make a real impact. The Intersect between Cultural Leadership and Business Growth • The 6 Stages of Cultural Transformation • From Culturally Good to Culturally Great • Latino Leadership to Inspire a Troubled Nation • Cómo Ser Líder en La Empresa Americana ("How to Lead in the American Enterprise" Speech in Spanish for Latino leaders.)
I love to write! Some of my major works are; The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery, A Roadmap for Leaders in a Culturally Complex World • The Cultural Transformation Manifesto, A Plea and Plan for Organizational and Community Transformation • Puerto Rican Hillbillies, A Deep (and sometimes disturbing) Journey into the Bicultural Soul • The 12 Hidden Truths to Learning Spanish

Videos with Ricardo

Below are various videos with Ricardo Gonzalez. They vary in length but most clips are two to three minutes.  

Quotes from Ricardo

We cannot lead people to the highest levels until we know them at the deepests levels. — The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery
The goal of all cultural relationships should be endearment, not tolerance. — The 6 Stages of Cultural Mastery
Unless we transform our cultural relationships, we'll never transform our cultural realities. — The Cultural Transformation Manifesto

Posts by Ricardo